Tuesday, 16 September 2014


I attended and presented at this years e-Assessment Scotland conference. I came back with lots of inspiration and ideas ready for the start of term so i thought I'd blog about what I took away from the day and how I'll be putting my thoughts into action. So here goes...

The keynote was my an old colleague and friend of mine Mr Peter Reed. You can view his slides and thoughts of the day on his blog. Pete delivered a really interesting keynote focusing around Brookfield's reflective lenses which encourages reflection through 4 lenses. These are self-reflection, students, literature and peers. In particular looking at assessment through the lenses of others and giving consideration to a host of factors when planning assessment. I found this really interesting and thought provoking when thinking about my own working context. So what am i going next? Well during the course of the next year I'm already planning a few events around e-Assessment and e-Feedback BUT I'm going to pop that on the back burner just for a very short while whilst I take on board Reedy's fantastic keynote. I'm going to re think my original sessions and target audience and I've been in touch with a few different members of staff within the faculty including programme administrators and unfair means officers. What I now want to do is involve some of our key stakeholders to ensure I'm understanding their perspectives when it comes to e-Assessment and involving them in informing some of these events and vice versa. I've also been thinking a lot more about the assessment lifecycle, assessment loading, high and low stakes assessment and how the planning of assessment in general can impact on the success of the assessment as a whole which again is something to consider when working with the various staff roles when planning new assessments.

I presented on emerging e-assessment practices, trends, techniques and tensions. I took a thematic approach as opposed to the usual case study approach and focused on three key areas in A-assessment. These were Collaborative e-Assessment, Portfolio based e-Assessment and e-Submission, e-Marking and e-Feedback. The presentation highlighted some of the emerging e-assessment practices being adopted within the faculty to address some of the challenges, this included the use of PebblePad for e-portfolio assessment, online submission and marking through Turnitin and Grademark and the use of Google apps for collaborative assessment and group work.

The other presentations on the day were varied and interesting and I met some new folk! Networking at a conference is always a big reason for me attending but it was nice to meet colleagues that were local to Scotland that I have never had the opportunity to meet before and have kept in touch about a few things since the conference! Also, although quite often we don't take advantage of a lot of the sponsor's stalls at these things, I really did and got some useful information from some of them in relation to developments within my faculty.

And finally, I got to visit Dundee! I stayed next to this lovely boat (pay no attention to the danger sign, i didn't!)

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